June ’23: What’s in Kindle Unlimited?

June ’23: What’s in Kindle Unlimited?

This list is updated and freshly posted on or around the first day of every month. The Jekh Saga All Jekh Saga stories, including the Books 1-3 bundle, are available to borrow in the program and are currently unavailable outside of Amazon. ___ Norseton Wolves 

ICYMI: May 2023

ICYMI: May 2023

I mentioned to my daughter yesterday that the past school year really hurtled past. The same could be said for my work year, because I would swear that entire weeks of the calendar vanished. I definitely didn’t get done any of the things on my 

Out now in audio: Water Under the Bridge!

Heads up, Scribd subscribers!

Now out in audio: Wish Out of Water!

Now out in audio: Wish Out of Water!

As we all start gearing up for the re-imagining of a certain mermaid thing (about which even my 16-year-old son has commented “It doesn’t even look that bad”), I’m thrilled to throw a bit of my Hooked world into the fantasy frenzy. Fresh off the