Sleigh, Bells, Rings

Cover of Sleigh, Bells, Rings by Holley Trent. Has gold Christmas bells tied by a green ribbon over a white background.

Plot Twist Book 3.5 (novelette)


December 11, 2021

Keywords: Polyamory (FFM), consensual BDSM, holiday romance, shady and/or toxic relatives, toddlers, adults who can’t cry in public

This is a bonus holiday story set around eighteen months after the end of Working Title. It can be read as a stand-alone vignette but will spoil the plot of the previous book if read out of order as it revisits characters from the earlier story.

The honeymoon phase is always so dreamy, but what happens a year after the fireworks dim?

Have babies, work-from-home struggles, and tight living quarters put a damper on Lisa, Finch, and Joey’s passionate romantic arrangement? Or are they finding that time has only made their intensity sweeter?

Plot Twist 1 | Plot Twist 2 | Plot Twist 3

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