The quickest way to get in touch with Holley is generally via email. Please note that often, unsolicited pitches go into spam due to certain trigger words. If you feel like you should have received a response within a few days, please try to contact in a different way.
At this time, Holley does not seek pitches for articles or other content to be posted to the site. The website is here for readers to find information about stories and series, and the blog functions only to create posts about new releases and promotion updates.
holley [at] holleytrent [dot] com (preferred)
holleytrent [at] gmail (secondary)
(There is no need to cc both email addresses if you’re sending a friendly email. They get filtered into the same mail app!)
Follow on Twitter.
You might be able to send a DM, however if Holley hasn’t been active in her stream for a few days, she’s probably temporarily away from keyboard, and sending an email as a follow-up would be a great idea.
She still has a profile for administrative reasons, but doesn’t log in. Facebook is the worst way to contact her.
Postal Mail
Holley Trent
440 N BARRANCA AVE #4969
COVINA, CA 91723
(This is an administrative number published here solely because of legal requirements regarding international bookselling. It does not connect directly to Holley’s personal phones.)